Friday, November 21, 2008

No amount of genius can overcome a preoccupation with detail. -Marion Levy

I'm always up for a challenge. This, however, is a challenge unlike any other I've come across as a designer. Not saying I'm not up for it, because I definitely am!! But I'm not sure where to start exactly. :) The task: Design a logo for a new company called A+ Survival Supply. "What's so challenging about that?" you ask. Well, YOU try putting the letters of the company together and see what you can come up with. Bet you it'll take at least 10 minutes of valuable time spent wasting away on Twitter, or whatever other site or project you could be spending your precious time on (or should be anyway) to come up with a logo that doesn't scream "ASS!!!" to all who see it. LOL. And no, only playing around with type and using the full company name does not count.

Anyway, here's my first concept:

Before you pick out the details, just know that this is a VERY rough draft and I have a lot of smoothin out to do, obviously. Especially in the S's. Ok, now you may comment. :D


kylesteed said...


Not a bad first start. Especially since you're working with something as awkward as A.S.S.

Looking forward to the next comp. I think the one thing I would work on is the bottom left and top right corners where the red is showing. But that's all I got.

Josh King said...

I so wanted to leave inappropriate remarks to your tweet. I will say that your logo doesn't speak of anything survival esque. Good luck, and happy designing.