Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"When you're young, the silliest notions seem the greatest achievements." -Pearl Bailey

Alright, here's what I've been up to this week!!

For Wah-Tah!:

-The header for the website I'm building for the whole company:

and the newest T-shirt design:

-The latest edition of shelf talkers for Scott Harvey Wines (the rest of the ones I've done in the past are at and they're all of the "hand made shelf talkers" and some of the others that aren't linked up as hand made. basically, all of their shelf talkers that have trader joe's style illustrations):

Annnnnnd my last thoughts for the day:

I think Pearl Bailey has a good point and I think she brings up another one that a lot of us overlook sometimes: It's never REQUIRED of us by anyone that we must be young to feel accomplished through something we might consider to be silly. It's only required by ourselves... by those of us who can't feel good about accomplishing something so small. I say, if you want to do such a thing, all you have to do is pick up a box of crayons, doodle around for a bit like you did when you were "young" and feel good about it. Because yeah, I just did all that for part of a job, but you know what? It felt good and I feel accomplished!!

I know that was pretty random, but you all know I'm a big believer in doing things that would prove such a quote totally wrong!! I'm glad I am too because I'm pretty sure it's stuff like that that keeps you young. Maybe that goes back to making her quote right actually...

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